Sunday, July 13, 2014

A 'quiet' evening at home in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, the custom is not to knock but to stand at the gate or threshold and call out Ola to the house.  Imagine my surprise when I heard a sound in the yard, but instead of being followed up by an "Ola" there was a loud "Moo"!  By the time I got there with the camera, here's what I saw

We once again settled down on the patio to watch our little red-footed, green-breasted, blue-winged birds pick at the papaya we put out, and to enjoy the warbling call of the toucans overhead and the start of the nightly howler monkey operetta.  Suddenly there was a loud onslaught of noise as several dozen bright green parrots settled into the trees around us with a cacophony of squeeks and squawks and squabbles that lasted for about 15 minutes. It's difficult to take clear pictures of the toucans and parrots as they like to stay high in the branches, but here's Ken pictured with some rescue babies at a nearby restaurant.

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