About an hour south of Manta along the coastal road is a lovely town called Puerto Lopez. We headed down there with friends one weekend and stayed at the amazing Hosteria Mandala http://www.hosteriamandala.info. The couple who own the resort started with a couple of cabins many years ago, and now have around 20; each one nestled down a private path surrounded by beautiful flowering plants and trees brought in from all over Ecuador.
While the landscape around Manta is mostly desert, the Mandala is a beautiful rainforest retreat. The owner's are artists and have decorated each cabin with a theme. Our cabin was the Pulpo or Octopus cabin, so the etched glass doors, carved hardwood sinks, toilet seat, etc. were all adorned with various octopi. Our outdoor deck had two hammocks and a seating area for relaxing after a long walk on the beach
The main reception area, dining room and even the gates of the retreat are beautiful treats for the eye, with everything carved from local hardwoods.
Each of the hand carved table tops in the indoor-outdoor dining room contain a board game. After a gourmet meal served by friendly staff who speak several languages, you can sit and listen to the ocean while challenging your partner to a game of backgammon, chess or a myriad of other games.
Ecuadorians are passionate about their eco-system and their environment. Garbage pick-up is every day. All the leavings from cleaning and filleting fish at the market is put in buckets or tarps covering the sand on the beach, and then hauled away (probably to the pet-food factory) before high tide, which then comes in and washes the beach.
Walking back from the market to the hotel, we were a bit intimidated by these guardians of the environment. The sign urges you to protect the beach and the aquatic creatures. We made sure we complied!
Great armchair tour; we'll have to make it a point to visit the Hosteria Mandala in Puerto Lopez. Love the idea of the unique themed cabins and a board game is always a fun way to pass the time!