This is going to sound bizarre, but one of the best inventions since sliced bread is the toilet paper in Ecuador. Instead of a hollow middle with a cardboard tube, they start with a wrapped "mini" roll. You just poke it out before placing your toilet paper on the holder, and then pop the mini roll into your bag or pocket when you go out. Check any person's purse, backpack or beach bag and you'll find one of these little beauties tucked in somewhere. No more doing your business in a public washroom to find that someone has taken the last sheet off the roll.
This is the statue guarding the entrance to Montecristi where panama hats are actually made. When U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt visited the Panama Canal, he was photographed wearing one of the Ecuadorian hats that were commonly sold in the area. The photograph became famous (even before Twitter) and the hat was dubbed the "panama hat" even though it was, and still is, made in Ecuador. The hats are hand-made in Montecristi and, depending on the quality and style, will sell for $20 to several hundred dollars. The more expensive hats look and feel like silk and can be machine washed and re-shaped. In addition to the traditional fedora, these beautiful hats come in all sorts of sizes, shapes and colors. I bought a beach-walking hat with a wide brim and scarf for tying it on, and a "garden party" hat for dinners and more upscale outings. In addition to hats, Montecristi boasts many shops with colorful woven goods and pure alpaca blankets and throws. Prices are excellent and bargaining is expected. A fun place to visit (and spend money).
It was fascinating watching the Ecuadorian shipbuilders crafting these beautiful wooden ships by hand. The wood for the keel is chosen based on the grain having the right bend, and then the ship is built from the ground up using mainly hand tools.
The white boat in the picture here had just been completed and pushed out to await the high tide so it could be floated out into the harbour and anchored for the proud new owner.
Some fruits are good for juicing (eg. tree tomatoes and naranjilla) and some are yummy and fun to eat (like the baby bananas and sweet, yellow dragon fruit).
One of our favorite fruits is the Granadilla. Crack open the hard shell and inside is a green jelly full of seeds that looks just like a little brain. Then you dig in and eat the sweet and juicy fruit, seeds and all, with a spoon. I think of my late sister Karen, who was obsessed with Zombie movies, whenever I crack open one of these. She would laugh until her stomach hurt whenever the zombie "chased" a human (who had to run in slo-mo to ensure the zombie could keep up) so they could suck out their brains. Weird, but fun.

It's a treat to be able to walk along and pick your fresh catch of the day, then have them filet it and provide you with what you want, all for about $3-5 a pound (or medio kilo). Mahi-mahi, sea bass, shark, tuna, octopus, shrimp -everything you need to make a fresh grilled, steamed, baked, fried or stewed feast.
We also enjoyed watching the pelicans, herons and boobies enjoying the leftovers.
(Thanks to fellow travellers Dick Nash & Anita Oliver for letting us use the first photo in for this section. See their blog at No Particular Place to Go.)

After finishing our "grocery shop", we would wander off to the other parts of the market, where there would be blocks of handcrafted hats, blankets, clothes, bags, backpacks, and shoes, more blocks of electronic gizmos, phones and various hardware supplies. Whatever we needed, we could undoubtedly find at Tarqui Market.
(Thanks to fellow travellers Dick Nash & Anita Oliver for letting us use their photos for this section. We forgot to take our camera with us on our market days).
Although we didn't have a car in Ecuador, we never had a problem getting around. Manta has a proliference of modern yellow cabs, with the typical fare being $1. Just step out of your apartment building and raise a hand, and one will be at the curb before you get there. The highest cab fare we paid was $10, and that was to a town about half an hour outside Manta.
If you have to travel a longer distance, the bus service is good - fare between cities that may be hours away - $3 - in town it's .25 - half price for seniors. Then there are the people movers; basically pick-up trucks with a covered back and bench seats on both sides. And on the beaches you will have the motor transports shown here.
We could spend hours watching the sea birds around the beach towns of Ecuador. The blue footed boobies, tropical bird with their 3 ft long tail, herons walking the beach fishing for little fish and crabs left behind in pools at low tide, frigate birds soaring high overhead, and of course the amazing pelicans gliding just above the waves, wing tips gently dipping into the spray.
Pelicans, while graceful gliding over the surface, would do an ungainly face plant to catch their prey just below the surface, then distend their gullet to swallow it whole.
The toiler paper still strikes me as ingenious. Why don't they do that in the US or Canada? There are so many reasons to love Ecuador and you've talked about some great ones. Fun post!